The MoonWalking Vijay Govindarajan! :)

Innovation. Strategy. Globalixation. Execution.I mai 2009 var jeg så heldig å være på World Innovation Forum i New York. Jeg var ikke bare tilskuer, jeg både møtte og snakket med Clayton Christensen, C.K Prahalad og Vijay Govindarajan – og siden har sistnevnte vært min MoonWalking superhelt!

Her kommer noe av det han lærte meg:

“Why do we often throw money after dying business insted of Innovating and MoonWalking?”

11 things to do with a dead horse:

11. Whip the horse a little harder.

10. Change the rider.

09. Harness several dead horses together for increased speed.

08. Emulate the best practices of companies riding dead horses.

07. Proclaim that it´s cheaper to feed a dead horse.

06. Shorten the track.

05. Affirm that “This is the way we have always ridden dead horses”.

04. Declare that “This horse is not dead”.

03. Have the lawyer bring suit against the horse manufacturer.

02. Engage a consultant to study the dead horse.

01. Promote the dead horse to a senior management position.

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